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Oct 18, 2023

Benefit from the laws of physics, and get a state-of-the-art operating room

There are many innovations in healthcare. With each unique invention, we hopefully save more people from unnecessary suffering and give the medical staff better conditions to do their job more efficiently and gently, while containing costs.

Nowadays, when climate change is high on the agenda, we are also starting to look for energy-efficient systems. Healthcare is, as is well known, a large consumer of energy, and as we strive for a sustainable, but at the same time safe healthcare, some traditional but proven methods must be challenged against newer, safer, and improved systems. 

When URMC in Rochester, NY, faced the construction of a new surgical center, they chose to equip one of eight operating theaters with the energy-efficient and innovative Opragon system. In an article published in Outpatient Surgery Magazine and online via AORN, Mark Schwartz, Director of Facilities Operations at URMC states:

We reviewed a lot of data surrounding the new system before purchase, and what impressed us the most was the low infection rates of less than one percent. When looking at similar retrofits in Europe, surgical centers with standard LAF systems had higher infection rates. In contrast, the ones that converted to this TcAF system went from rates over three percent to less than one percent when other contributing factors were accounted for.”

The Opragon system has been in use since February 2023 at URMC, and has created an environment surgeons prefer working in. The room offers a huge work area with a comfortable and quiet environment with minimal draught.

By using the laws of physics, where cold air is heavier than warm, you get an energy efficient way to ventilate the operating room. While the OR is more comfortable to work in, it also becomes safer for both staff and patient when airborne particles are swept down to the floor and out of the room. 

  1. Central Opragon unit: Cooled HEPA-filtered air provides an ultra-clean environment.
  2. Peripheral airshowers: Controls the room temperature and accelerate the sedimentation, HEPA-filtered intake.
  3. Exhaust air: Evacuated symmetrically at floor level.

Before the room was put into use, URMC chose to test the cleanliness of the room using particles. Even though the room equipped with Opragon was not completely cleaned, the results were impressive. Mark Schwartz: 

“This OR was still incomplete, yet initial air samples met an ISO 5 classification due to the performance of the TcAF system. That impressive result speaks to how well the TcAF system captures the dust particles and other potential airborne materials and moves them out of the room.”

To be able to offer sustainable healthcare and energy efficient ventilation, we need pioneers like URMC and many other top clinics! Developers of new and efficient systems, as well as architects and hospital management must dare to build new hospitals and operating rooms with the latest and most sustainable alternatives available. 

We look forward to discussing energy efficient and safe hospital ventilation with you and your colleagues. Contact us today!

Read the full article by Mark Schwartz, CHFM, CHC here:

A summary available via AORN is found here: