AORN Report – OR of the Future with Opragon
This week Avidicare was part of the “OR of the Future” at the AORN conference in Nashville, TN, USA.
AORN is the Association of periOperative Registered Nurses. Every year, their annual conference is held to support the development of OR nurses and to present the best equipment and tools for surgery in the US. The conference was staged in Nashville TN with almost 6000 attendees.
OR of the future
This year, AORN wanted to show the latest innovations that are available already today. Carefully selected medical equipment suppliers joined in one joint booth to showcase the latest walls, lamps, tables, software, VR tools and imaging equipment. Avidicare was invited to show its Opragon ventilation system and joined this centerpiece of the expo along with leading suppliers such as Getinge and Siemens.
SSI/HAI is a dominating theme
The OR nurses and medical equipment suppliers have an increasing awareness around the SSI/HAI challenges in general and airborne bacteria as a leading origin of SSI in particular. This is in line with current research and the evidence generated by Avidicare’s bacteria measurements during surgery. The conclusions are well documented in scientific publications both in terms of the efficiency of the Opragon as well as expected outcomes.
Several projects in the US are now considering Opragon to ensure ultraclean conditions in their ORs while securing a much larger clean zone than current laminar airflow systems as well as fantastic staff comfort.
Learn more on our scientific support by requesting our “reference to literature”, or let us help by drawing a solution for your next project. Welcome to contact Peter Hojerback.